Connect Progress Photos with the Power BI Model

In this video, I explain how you can connect your progress photos to your Power BI model. Here is the script: let BinaryToPbiImage = (BinaryContent as binary) as text=> let Base64 = “data:image/jpeg;base64, ” & Binary.ToText(BinaryContent, BinaryEncoding.Base64) in Base64 in BinaryToPbiImage Regards, Osama Saad, MBA, PMP, PSP, CCP, PMI-SP

Colour patterns and presentation best practices

Colours are not everything in planning but they are important. The value of your reports will be compromised if the results are not presented in a skilled and polished manner. Many planners think that the more colours they show in their reports, the better. But this is far from the truth. Watch the below video […]

8 Myths of Power BI in Project Control

Although Power BI is a great tool, there are many false beliefs about its applications in project control. As a result, this prevents planning engineers from taking their Power BI skills to the next level or even holds them from using the software altogether. This article will address and discuss 8 myths of Power BI […]

4 common mistakes planners make in Power BI

It is very easy to make mistakes and generate tons of misleading data in Power BI if you don’t know what you are doing. Data analytics is a specialization area in which many people pursue a whole career. Planning Engineers are encouraged to focus on improving their P6 and Excel skills to prepare their reports […]

Bored from your planning task routine? Think Again!

As a planning engineer, you probably follow the below routine every week. 1- Collect progress data. 2- Update the schedule. 3- Prepare the weekly report and dashboards (input data in the same fields, apply the same formula, do the same formatting, etc) 4- Review the outcome. 5- identify project delays. 6- Prepare progress presentations for […]

Don’t spend time preparing progress reports

Planning Engineers are mainly hired to prepare progress reports. Well, this article will demonstrate why planning engineers should NOT spend any time preparing progress reports. In fact, this task is what limits planning engineers’ ability to add value to their projects. Early in my career, I was told that preparing progress reports is the main […]

Automate formatting for progress reports and presentations

Formatting is one of the most time-consuming low-impact activities for planning engineers. Although formatting is necessary, it is not considered a key value activity compared to delay analysis, schedule update, etc. In other words, if you have limited time during the day, you would better spend that time on high-impact activities such as claim submission, progress analysis, highlighting delays to the site […]

How to deal with workload and deadlines in project control?

Many planning engineers complain about the workload and deadlines. They really wish to deliver more value to their projects but they fail to do so. They have the required expertise, knowledge and ambition but there are challenges that prevent them from reaching their potential. In this article, I will explain some of these challenges and how to overcome them. The […]

Variance Analysis in Project Control

The determination of Early & Late Planned %, Actual % and Variance % is one of the key components in project control. Many planning engineers spend the time and effort to determine these percentages in every progress update cycle. They calculate and report these percentages for the overall project and the key project areas. However, variance analysis should […]

The Power of ONE

Planning Engineers are overwhelmed with so many tools and files. They use different tools such as Primavera P6 for progress review, excel for progress analysis and PowerPoint for progress presentation. Moreover, they use many excel sheets for different purposes which may include: Variance Analysis, Breakdown Analysis, Trends, Dashboards, Progress Curves, a Progress Matrix, Gantt Charts, etc. You can apply […]