Why is your Baseline unrealistic?

Why do many planning engineers focus on progress monitoring over plan development? Planning engineers often seek to improve their skills in the progress reporting area. It makes sense because we spend most of our time monitoring the progress in the execution phase. However, if you don’t have a realistic plan, your progress monitoring will become […]

A practical approach to improve your planning career

Developing a successful career requires a significant investment of time and effort, yet engineers face limitations in terms of the amount of time and effort available to them each day. Many engineers struggle to progress in their careers not due to a lack of ambition, but rather, as a result of ineffective approaches. This article […]

You should be different

I believe that many planning engineers have a misconception about what it takes to excel in their careers. Remember, you can’t learn everything and you will always have knowledge gaps in some areas. The problem is that planning engineers put too much emphasis on the wrong priorities. This article will demonstrate how you can get […]

Why do many planning engineers struggle with Project Control?

It is very interesting. It has a very rewarding career. It adds great value to any project. It doesn’t have a universal framework. It is more like an art than a science. It requires an excellent knowledge of different software tools. Yet, many engineers struggle to master it. This is Project Control. After I earned my […]

4 ways to improve your planning skills.

A project control career can be very rewarding. You can be assigned on a new project or relocate to a new country and still use your skills to add value. Someone can take your job away from you but nobody can take your skills and knowledge away from you. When you repeat the same tasks […]

3 ways for a killer planning engineer’s CV with Power BI

As the market has become more competitive, Planning Engineers who have average skills struggle to improve their careers. You have to find ways to add significant value and stand out from the competition. There are many ways to add value in the project control profession. However, I would recommend that you start improving yourself in the below areas where […]

Career Advice for Planning Engineers

For planning engineers, here is some advice I wish I knew early in my career. 1- Don’t spend all of your time figuring out how you can use P6 in every project control area. The role of P6 is limited. You will need to do a lot of work using other tools such as Excel or Power BI. 2- […]

CV Best Practices for Planning engineers

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE CV TEMPLATE In this video, I share the best practices of a planning engineer’s CV. Learn More! Check out our comprehensive courses Regards, Osama Saad, MBA, PMP, PSP, PMI-SP

Planning Engineer’s Career Tips

If you were blessed to have a high-quality expensive education or you can easily get a job through a relative’s recommendation, I wish you all the best, but this article is not for you. My message is for the average person like me who is trying to make the best use of the available resources […]